Our next all day singing in London will take place in October 2025.
For other All Day singings planned in the UK, visit the UK Sacred Harp calendar which can be viewed at the following link: http://sacredharp.uk
Details and photos from Past All Day singings are below:

- Friday 25th October: Composium
- 7.30pm-9.30pm at Highgate United Reformed Church, N6 6BA.
- Please send your shapenote compositions to paul.zaba@gmail.com on or before 20th October. Maximum 3 songs per composer.
- Saturday 26th October: 16th Annual Sacred Harp All-Day Singing
- Registration 10am, Singing 10.30am-4.00pm at Highgate United Reformed Church, N6 6BA.
- Dinner on the grounds, a bring-and-share lunch, will be at 12.30.
- Saturday 26th October: Social
- 7.00pm til late at The Salisbury Hotel, N4 1JX.
- Sacred Harp themed fancy dress competition.
- Sunday 27th October: 10th Annual Christian Harmony All-Day Singing
- Registration at 1.00pm, Singing from 1.30pm at Highgate United Reformed Church, N6 6BA.
- Singing ends at 17:30
Travel & Accessibility
For location and accessibility information for Highgate United Reformed Church / Pond Square Chapel, please visit the following page: https://www.pondsquarechapel.org.uk/Groups/321206/Location.aspx
The Chapel is wheelchair accessible, with an accessible toilet on the main floor. The lower hall which we will use for lunch is accessed by some stairs, and a lunch table will be set up at the main level for anyone who needs it.
The address for the social is:
The Salisbury Hotel
Grand Parade Green Lanes
Harringay N4 1JX
Bring & Share Lunch, Saturday:
If you are able, please bring a pot luck style dish to share for our dinner on the grounds on Saturday, complete with serving utensils if possible.
Covid Protocols:
As with last year we will be asking everyone to take a lateral flow test before they attend each singing and demonstrate evidence of the negative test (e.g. a photograph taken at the time suggested by the test manufacturer) before entering the building. In order to protect other singers please do not attend the singing if you have symptoms of any respiratory illness, or have been in contact with someone who has had Covid in the previous 10 days. Masks are not required, but singers who wish to use one, or sit away from the group or near a source of ventilation are welcome to do so. If you test positive for Covid in the days after the singing please contact our email address so that we can anonymously let others who have attended know so that they can mitigate further risk if needed.
The 15th Annual London Double All-Day Singing 2023
Events from Thursday 26th – Sunday 29th October with our main All Day Singing on Saturday 27th October 2023.

- Thursday 26th October: Sacred Harp
Our monthly evening Sacred Harp singing at Christ Church, Blackfriars/Southwark SE1 8NY from 7.30pm. This may include a singing school TBC. - Friday 27th October: Composium
We will sing from a submitted and curated collection of songs composed in the Sacred Harp style. At Highgate United Reformed Church, Highgate N6 6BA from 7.30pm. - Saturday 28th October: Sacred Harp Singing All Day
At Highgate United Reformed Church, Highgate N6 6BA. Registration at 10am, singing from 10.30am – around 4pm. Bring and share dinner on the grounds. - Saturday 28th October: Evening Social & Costume Competition
At the Salisbury Hotel, 1 Green Lanes, London N4 1JX from 7.30pm. A range of food is available, some of which can be pre-ordered if needed. For Halloween, there is a Sacred Harp themed costume competition! - Sunday 29th October: Afternoon Christian Harmony
Singing from the Christian Harmony book from 1.30pm at Highgate United Reformed Church, Highgate N6 6BA.
Accessibility of venues:
All of our venues are wheelchair or level accessible with accessible toilets. If you have any queries or accessibility accommodations please email londonsacredharp@gmail.com before the event.
To submit songs for the composium please email londonsacredharp@gmail.com before the 15th of October. We may not be able to sing every song depending on the number submitted, but we will hopefully manage one per composer especially those present at the singing.
Bring & Share Lunch, Saturday:
If you are able, please bring a pot luck style dish to share for our dinner on the grounds on Saturday, complete with serving utensils if possible.
Covid Protocols:
As with last year we will be asking everyone to take a lateral flow test before they attend each singing and demonstrate evidence of the negative test (e.g. a photograph taken at the time suggested by the test manufacturer) before entering the building. In order to protect other singers please do not attend the singing if you have symptoms of any respiratory illness, or have been in contact with someone who has had Covid in the previous 10 days. Masks are not required, but singers who wish to use one, or sit away from the group or near a source of ventilation are welcome to do so. If you test positive for Covid in the days after the singing please contact our email address so that we can anonymously let others who have attended know so that they can mitigate further risk if needed.
The Facebook event for the Double All Day 2023, where we will post updates and further details, can be found at the following link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1008971876781675/
We will also send out information via our mailing list which you can sign up to at the following link: https://mailchi.mp/4e77eef9bf07/newsletter-minutes-sign-up

Details and photos from Past All Day singings are below:

Photos below from previous all day singings:

London Double All Day, 2017. Photographs by Joyce Smith.